Gangsta Blog
February 20, 2020 | Feeding
Understanding Dog Foods
One of the most often discussed topics in my store is dog food. But, before we get into information about dog food, let's look at the history of our beloved furry friend.
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April 15, 2019 | Loss of a Pet
Dealing With Loss
It's been a while since I last posted to the blog. Often, as I write, I consider what you, the reader, would want to know. This post is more for me than it is you. I am a weight lifting, motorcycle riding, risk taking...
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November 29, 2018 | Feeding,Special Needs
Bring Out the Dog Food
I am asked on a regular basis, "How many times a day should I feed my dog?" Well, that answer varies greatly. First, let's look at the dogs' ancestor, the wolf. In the wild wolves eat when food is available. They mig...
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October 23, 2018 | Rescue
Dan and Albie
Being in the dog business offers me the opportunity to meet some wonderful dogs and their people. In many cases we all become great friends. Dan and Albie are no different.
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September 28, 2018 | Communication,Rescue,Socialization
For the Love Of a Dog
Those who don't own dogs, especially those who have never owned a dog, can't understand the attachment and love shared between a person and their canine. This connection, this unconditional love, is given by a wonderful...
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September 22, 2018 | Communication,Crate training ,House Breaking..
Why Dogs hate Social Media
We have become hooked on social media. If you're reading this right now, it's proof that you to, are hooked on being connected. That's fine when it comes to you and me. But as we are flooded with false news, we are al...
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September 16, 2018 | Rescue,Socialization
Purchase, Adopt or Rescue?
A good friend contacted me today to make me aware of it being National Puppy Mill Awareness Day. I never knew. The thought did make me ponder a bit and led to this post.
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September 8, 2018 | Socialization
Park it! Dog Park Etiquette
The dog park is considered by many as one of the greatest things since sliced bread. And then, there are those instances where conflicts arise between dogs, people, or both that can cast a dark shadow over the illustrio...
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September 8, 2018 | Communication
Can You hear Me Now?
Way back in 1975 I wrote a very long paper at University of Louisville titled, 'Analogic and Digital Communication of Canines, Primates, and Cetaceans.' While I won't go into the primates or cetaceans, I will talk about...
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September 7, 2018 | Crate Training , House Breaking
Crate,Sweet Crate
One of the best tools for training and housebreaking your pup is the crate. Many people look at it as a cage. But, when used properly, it will be your dog's safe zone. Their refuge.
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September 4, 2018 | House Breaking
Too Pee or not to Pee
Dogs pee. It happens. They have to. Everyone pees, so it shouldn't be a surprise. Puppies are just like little children. When they have to go they go. Old dogs are like old people. When they have to go, they go too...
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