Always baked fresh! Check out our specialty biscuits and foods for all dogs!
Special Needs Products from Gangsta Dog
Vita-Pups, Vitamin C Dog Biscuits
While we have to consume Vitamin C as part of a healthy diet, dogs actually produce it. A healthy thirty pound dog can produce about 500 mg of Vitamin C a day. As dogs mature into their senior years they sometimes lose that ability resulting in what resembles allergies, sore joints, and a general slow down. Our Vita-Pup biscuit contains approximately 650 mg of Vitamin C in every cookie to help your dog keep that essential vitamin in place. Our cookie is not designed to treat any disease, just provide a healthy amount of the essential vitamin they so desperately need. Contact us for recommendations. Note: Vitamin C should be avoided if a pet has a history of urinary oxalate stone formation and should be avoided in breeds with high risk like the Schnauzers, Lhasa Apso, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Poodle, Shih Tzu, and Bichon Frise.
Many dogs need special supplements for hip, joint, fur, etc. We specialize in all types of supplements to help your pup.
Food Allergies
Over the years every time a customer has told us about a food allergy we have tried to develop a recipe they could use. For every customer with a food sensitive dog there's thousands more just like them. We make low fat, chicken free, grain free, beef free, and other specialty biscuits. Even our food is developed with allergies in mind. If you have questions or have a special need, please contact us and let us know. We are always happy to help your dog be healthy, happy, and excited.
Vitamin C and Calcium Oxalate Stones
Food Allergies in Dogs
Vitamin C for dogs
Caring for a Dog with Food Allergies